This journal is a space where i can freely write about my thoughts and feelings inspired by different kinds of media practices and ideas related to them.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Media use

Throughout my childhood there was no such thing as digital media. Now that i use it daily the way i use media has drastically changed.

Unlike videos casettes with DVD's you can skip to the scene you want quickly and watch deleated scenes. I also enjoy watching the 'making of' and directors comments as it gives me a more in depth look at the film industry. Of course now there are blu-ray disks which offer you a HD experience.

The introduction of SKY has changed the way we can watch television. Before digital media there were 5 channels only, BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV C4 and C5. Now there are over 500 channels to choose from which means more competition for each channel. With sky i can also skip commercials which changes the way i view advertisements as i pay less attention to the ones on the TV. I can also record programmes which means i do not have to be sat down infrount of the TV when the programme is on as i would have had to do before digital media. Digital media gives me more freedom and choice of how and when i consume the media.

Since digital media i no longer buy CD's for my big bulky CD player and instead download songs from I-tunes or Limewire and listen to them on my I-pod. This i can take anywhere and everywhere as it's so small and compact. One of Jenkins eight traits of the new media landscape 'Convergence' is something i have used since digital media. This is taking existing music and remixing it. For example putting it as background music for videos of me and my friends. As he said "They want it when they want it and where they want it. And, as a result, they pull the edia content into new spaces illegally." Me doing this also comes under the sector 'Appropriate' because it is blurring the lines between consumer and producer. It gives amateurs to create productions and anyone can now upload their own video onto youtube.

I believe the internet shows me advertisements easier than any other median.

This is mine and Cats campaign video against drugs, it's just a quick light hearted video, although drugs is a serious issue, we wanted to do something fun for us to make and for people to watch.

Our advert was suppose to just be a funny kind of one but there are adverts out there supporting anti-drugs. Some are really hard hitting and defiantly make you think about what your doing. This is one of the worst i have seen:

An example of me engaging in participatory culture would be facebook. Without all the users creating profiles there would be no use for the website and therefore no facebook.

I think this shows how rapidly technology has evolved. In my few 18 years the way i use media has completly changed and is going to continue to change. I think it's exciting to think what will happen with technology in the future and see how it will develop and grow. All we can do is wait!

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